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All - Blog Post - Top Marketing & Business Books In 2022 - (copy 07)

Top Marketing & Business Books In 2022 📚⚡


If you’d like to kick off 2023 with new books that enrich your knowledge, help you stay up-to-date on the latest marketing and business strategies, or help you build personal growth, then this is for you.

In case you haven’t realized yet, by the end of each episode of my podcast I typically ask the guest about their favorite books. 

The reason? 

I love to discover new books to read.  

It's as simple as that.

And today, at BSR Digital, we have put together a list of the top books mentioned on the Fit Growth Machine Podcast in 2022 to share with you.

Ready to discover books that are full of great insights from top industry experts? 

, is there a book you love that you feel we should add to our list?


Please reply to this email so we can check it out and update our blog post.

Happy reading! 


P.S.: If you’re in the DTC space and love learning valuable lessons, tips, and insights on business growth and marketing from our awesome guests, you can join us at the Fit Growth Machine podcast.