The DTC Insider - Weekly Newsletter - 23/04 - Issue #3

Say Goodbye to Writer's Block - Shopify's AI-Generated Product Descriptions Have Arrived!

Welcome to this issue of The DTC Insider newsletter. 👋

We'll send you weekly emails, every Wednesday, trying our best to deliver great value to your inbox.

In this newsletter, you'll find:

💠 Meta went crazy!

💠 Introducing Shopify's AI-generated product descriptions powered by Shopify Magic

💠 Scheduled product drops introduced by YouTube to enhance Live Shopping experience

💠 The secret to boosting AOV with automated upselling and bundling

Meta went crazy!

Last Sunday, Facebook experienced a bug in its ad system that caused many ad accounts to overspend their set budgets. 🤦 🤦 🤦

This error was noticed by many users (and agencies like ours...) who complained about unexpected charges on their payment methods.

Facebook has acknowledged the issue and is working to fix it - Let's hope.  

In the meantime, they have recommended that advertisers review their ad spend and budget settings to ensure they are not overspending.

This issue highlights the importance of monitoring ad spend and budget settings to avoid unexpected charges.


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At BSR Digital, we're here to help!

The same way we have done it for hundreds of DTC brands since 2013.

Introducing Shopify's AI-generated product descriptions powered by Shopify Magic

Ever wished a product description would just write itself?

With Shopify Magic - Shopify’s artificial intelligence tools designed for commerce - it will. 🙌🏻

Did you know that across all Shopify stores, there are millions of products for sale that don't even have a description? 🤦

Product descriptions play a critical role in the decision-making process for customers.

And improving your descriptions can help drive traffic to your site and increase conversions.

Now, businesses can generate descriptions in seconds, that are more likely to appeal to customers and increase sales. 📈

Scheduled product drops introduced by YouTube to enhance Live Shopping experience

🚨 YouTube is testing a new feature to improve the live shopping experience for creators and viewers.

The feature, called "product drops", allows creators to schedule the release of new products during their live streams.

This will enable viewers to make purchases directly from the video player without leaving the stream. 💰

This feature is currently in beta testing with a select group of creators and will be rolled out to more creators in the coming months.

The move is part of YouTube's efforts to compete with other live shopping platforms like Amazon Live and Instagram Live Shopping.

This is expected to help creators generate more revenue and offer viewers a more seamless shopping experience.

The secret to boosting AOV with automated upselling and bundling

In our latest podcast episode of The DTC Insider, we interviewed Alex Green, co-founder and CEO of PickyStory.

His company helps merchants to increase AOV through a complete upselling & cross-selling platform.

Here are some of the key topics we covered in this insightful interview:

👉 Why Every E-commerce Brand Needs to Increase Their Average Order Value

👉 The Power of Storytelling: How to Sell Your Brand and Boost Your Bottom Line

👉 Building Experiences That Drive Sales and Loyalty

👉 Top Mistakes Brands Make and How to Avoid Them

👉 Acquisition vs. Retention: Finding the Right Balance for Your E-commerce Business

🎧 Tune in to our latest episode:

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