The DTC Insider - Weekly Newsletter - 5/07 - Issue #13

It's Your Business, Not Your Landing Page

Happy 4th of July everyone ο»ΏπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έο»Ώ  

I hope you enjoyed the long weekend.

Now, welcome to this issue of The DTC Insider newsletter. πŸ‘‹

We'll send you weekly emails, every Wednesday, trying our best to deliver great value to your inbox.

In this newsletter, you'll find:

πŸ’  It's Your Business, Not Your Landing Page

πŸ’  Unlock The Power Of AI-Driven Product Development

πŸ’  5 TikTok Ads Updates To Get Excited About For July

πŸ’  From Almost Bankruptcy To Success In Under 3 Years

It's Your Business, Not Your Landing Page

Yep. Sometimes it happens.

How many times have you looked at your conversion rate and thought: "I need to change my landing page!"?

Don't get me wrong, that's valid, but not always. Think of your landing page as your shop window:

You can have a really cool setup...

But if the products are not the ones your target audience likes...

Or if the pricing is not right...

Then they're not going to buy. And adding more elements won't solve the problem.

So, here's what you can ask yourself before making any changes:

  • Are you bringing the right traffic to your website?

  • Is the pricing strategy in line with the industry?

  • Do you sell a product people actually want to buy?

  • Are there any seasonalities influencing the performance?

If you check all those boxes and everything seems okay, then it's probably time to take a deeper look:

  • Is your LP simple & clear, or is it too complicated & confusing?

  • Is your message triggering pain points/desires, showing solutions to their problems, and telling transformation stories?

  • Are you including social proof and unique value propositions?

  • And many more technical checks...


5 TikTok Ads Updates To Get Excited About For July

Are you running TikTok Ads for your brand?

Here are some news for you:

1. Comment Anchor

Comment Anchor allows brands to integrate their CTAs into creator videos. Creators can add and pin a clickable link at the top of comments for viewers to learn more about the product or service in the video.

2. Carousel Format Rollout

Carousel is rolling out as an ad format for advertisers. This means you can have multiple "slides" in your ad that users can scroll through. This is currently in the allow-list beta.

3. Shopify Pixel x TikTok Events API Integration

Advertisers leveraging TikTok’s one-click integration with Shopify will now have Events API tracking in addition to the existing site pixel tracking. This is gradually rolling out.

4. Flexible Copy Ads (Already Available to GA)

Allows advertisers to easily create multiple ad + ad group copies with different configurations.

5. Smart Creative Roll Out

Automatic Creative Optimization will be renamed to Smart Creative, and will continue inheriting ACO's capabilities of creating high-quality combinations of creative assets to discover optimal combinations.

From Almost Bankruptcy To Success In Under 3 Years

On this episode of The DTC Insider podcast, Dario Marcovic, CEO of EricJavits, shares the story of how he saved a 34-year-old company from bankruptcy and took it to success in under 3 years.

In this episode of The DTC Insider podcast, we discussed:

πŸ‘‰ From the Brink of Bankruptcy in 2020 to Thriving Through Online Sales

πŸ‘‰ Paving the Path to Recovery and Success

πŸ‘‰ The Company's Transformation from B2B Dominance to Adapting to Changing Market Dynamics

πŸ‘‰ Embracing the Convergence of Paid Ads, SEO, and Affiliate Marketing for Unparalleled Growth

πŸ‘‰ Decoding the Importance of CPA/ROAS vs. CAC/LTV and Understanding the Contribution of Each Channel

🎧 Tune in to our latest episode:

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