All - Podcast - 20 years in marketing - Chloe

Lessons Learnt After 20 Years In Online Marketing & eCommerce💡

The barriers to entry in the digital space have fallen to the floor. 

Nowadays, anyone can set up an e-commerce business in 24 hours if they want to, . 

Things got easier. 

But they’ve also got harder – The competition is not the same as 20 years ago. 

Chloe Thomas is the founder of eCommerce MasterPlan. She is a best-selling Author, international and keynote speaker, and host of the award-winning eCommerce MasterPlan podcast AND the exciting new Keep Optimising Podcast – all of which are built on. 

With 20 years in the space, she’s full of incredible experiences, learnings, and thoughts about the future of marketing. 

Want to know what this new episode of my podcast is about?

  • What 20 years in the marketing industry have been like

  • Why improving the customer experience is key in 2023

  • Marketing channels to leverage

  • How to be a successful e-commerce brand in 2023

Learn from her valuable knowledge, click here and get ready for 2023. 

What do you think of this episode, ? 

Let me know,


P.S.: Are you interested in being a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?

Or know someone who would love to share their story? I’m excited to hear from you. - Reply to this email and I’ll answer you ASAP.