All - Podcast - 30 Million in 3 Years

This Brand Bootstrapped $10,000 & Built It Into Sales of $30 Million in 3 Years

Would you have your customers decide which products your company should produce and sell? 

Be honest, would you really let them be the drivers of your business success?

Building a successful brand means selling products that your customers actually want.  

This makes you stand out and differentiate yourself from your competitors. 

It also helps you build a sustainable legacy brand that stands the test of time.

But how can you know what your customers want?

According to Ronak Shah, it's very simple — just ask them.

Ronak Shah is the Co-founder and CEO of Obvi, a collagen-fortified health and wellness brand, and also a Co-founder of Ghost3Media, a marketing agency.


Obvi was founded by three friends and bootstrapped $10,000 into $30 million in sales in less than three years.  

Ronak is a strategic thinker and senior leader who creatively uses technology, marketing, strategy, and analytics to support innovation and revenue-generating business goals. 


Want to see what you’ll learn from this new episode?  

  • How Obvi’s differentiates from its competitors.

  • About the strategies Ronak used bootstrapping his company to $30 million in sales in under three years. 

  • Do you have to be an expert on a subject before starting a business in the industry?

  • How Ronak leverages customer feedback to innovate and improve his brand. 

  • The value of having business partners, working around a vision, and the key elements that drive Obvi’s growth.

  • The strategies Ronak and his business partners use to build a successful brand.

  • The challenges Obvi faces at different stages of growth and its main channels for driving traffic into sales.

Is there anything you've learned here that you'd like to implement in your brand?

I'm excited to hear from you,


P.S.: Think your experience and knowledge can help others grow? 

Do you know someone who would be an awesome guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?

Feel free to reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.