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All - Podcast - Analyzing Black Friday & Cyber Monday 22 - (copy 09)

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly of Black Friday & Cyber Monday 📊🔥

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are finally over. 

What a relief, !

And at BSR Digital, we couldn’t avoid addressing the good, the bad, & the ugly of it.


See, the holiday season is still here, and we all have numbers we want to improve or at least keep stable.


So now is the time to check what Black Friday and Cyber Monday have left for us.


Are you ready to hear some intriguing results?

Here’s a glimpse of what you can discover about the last Cyber Monday & Black Friday Worldwide:


  • Was there an increase in revenue compared to 2021?

  • AOV Growth.

  • The best selling-source.

  • When was the peak of sales?

  • Top-selling categories.

  • Top-selling countries.

  • Biggest discounts categories.

What about you?Were your numbers better than expected?


I hope you did well, !


Talk soon,




P.S.: Are you an e-commerce brand owner? If you’d like to get a solid marketing strategy to improve your results, or are struggling to find a team that feels right for you and your brand, don’t hesitate to contact us here: [email protected]

Take the first step you need to crush 2023 and let’s create something big together.