All - Podcast - AOV Upselling - Alex (copy 03)

Boost Your AOV with the Secret to Automated Upselling & Bundling

Imagine this: Someone wants a specific product of yours. So they go into your website and purchase it.But later on your website, a particular product recommendation calls their attention.See what happened? – The AOV game started.

, the ability of a brand to correctly showcase a little bit more of what they’re doing and how it connects to the product that the customer wanted in the first place, can easily boost AOV.Alex Green surely knows about this game. Alex is the Co-founder & CEO at PickyStory. PickyStory helps merchants to increase AOV through a complete upselling & cross-selling platform.

Today, he tells us all about it in the new episode of The DTC Insider Podcast.Check out what you can learn if you tune into this new episode: 

  • Why Every E-commerce Brand Needs to Increase Their Average Order Value

  • The Power of Storytelling: How to Sell Your Brand and Boost Your Bottom Line

  • Building Experiences That Drive Sales and Loyalty

  • Top Mistakes Brands Make and How to Avoid Them

  • Acquisition vs. Retention: Finding the Right Balance for Your E-commerce Business  

Ready to start winning the AOV game? 👉 Tune into this new episode today!

If you’re already in the game, let me know if we’re missing something!

Happy to hear from you,


P.S.: Feel that sharing your unique experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on the DTC Insider Podcast?

Reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.