All - Podcast - Customer Feedback - Gabrielle

Best Practices to Get the Most out of Customer Feedback

No matter what type of business you have, It’s essential to make sure your customers can find good things about you. – Otherwise you’re basically just another one of the amount.” - Gabrielle San Nicola says.Nowadays, most people do not only need to read about the product, but they also need to see how good it looks in real life.So as simple as getting reviews is, , it’s also important to display UGC content. 

Gabrielle San Nicola has worked in e-commerce for over 5 years on both the agency and platform sides.  

She now heads up East Coast & EMEA partnerships for Okendo, a customer intelligence solution built for brands.

, I know your brand is not just one of the many… Right?

In the new episode of my podcast you can learn about different ways experts use to improve their UGC content. And also about:

  • Overcoming the Fear of Not Having Enough Reviews

  • Expert Insights on the Importance and Best Practices of Ratings & Reviews

  • Insights on Where Brands Should Place Reviews

  • Exploring the Best Formats for Customer Reviews, from Text to Video

  • Unleashing the Power of Zero Party Data: Best Practices and Applications for Okendo Connect

  • Crafting a Killer Survey: Expert Tips for Creating Effective Customer Feedback

  • Where to Use Customer Feedback for Maximum Impact 

Have a great week,


P.S.: Feel that sharing your experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?Reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.