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Aren’t You Collecting Data From Your Customers? Then read this

Just by asking your customers a few questions, you can accelerate your list growth and increase your conversion rate.” - Gen Furukawa says.

Now more than ever, every customer wants a more personalized buying experience. 

So capturing customer data to know exactly what your customers want and most importantly, why they’re buying from you, … makes a lot of sense.

Gen Furukawa is the co-Founder of Prehook, a leading quiz platform for Shopify merchants. He has been in eCommerce for 10+ years, with the last 7 years in eCommerce SaaS. 

In today’s new episode of The Fit Growth Machine Podcast, Gen explains how much a brand can lose when they don’t take advantage of its customers' feedback. 

You’ll also learn:

  • Why zero-party data is your greatest advantage in eCommerce marketing.

  • How to drive sales and engagement with an eCommerce quiz.

  • How to (actually) achieve Personalization at Scale. 

Tell me, , are you already collecting data from your customers?

Would love to hear from you.



P.S.: Feel like your experiences can help others? Or know someone whose amazing knowledge can do it? Reply to this email, and I’ll answer you as soon as I can.