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From Backyard Fun to Global Sensation: The Story of Crossnet and Good Sport

Hi ,Get ready to be inspired by our latest episode of The DTC Insider podcast, featuring the co-founder & CEO of Crossnet and Good Sport, Greg Meade.In this episode, Greg shares the story of how his passion for sports and entrepreneurship led him to co-found these two successful companies.He also discusses the challenges he faced along the way, and the strategies he used to overcome them and achieve his goals.From the early days of Crossnet, when the idea was just a fun game played in his backyard, to the present day, where it has become a global sensation with distribution in major retailers, Greg's journey is full of lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders alike.If you're interested in learning more about the story of Crossnet and Good Sport, and the insights and strategies that have made Greg Meade a successful entrepreneur, I highly recommend giving this episode a listen.>>> Watch/Listen to the episode <<<

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