All - Podcast - Lessons from 2022 - (copy 07)

Discover The Biggest E-Commerce Lessons from 2022

What a year, !  

The e-commerce space challenges are definitely not the same as one year ago. 

And neither are the opportunities.

At BSR Digital, each client has taught us valuable lessons.  

As well as each guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast. 

And we know it can be hard to keep up with everything that happened in 2022, as the e-commerce space tends to evolve very fast… 

…that’s why every e-commerce brand should be aware of what has changed in it as they move forward into 2023.

Want to discover the key points that will help you get ahead of the curve? 

Btw, , what was your biggest lesson as an e-commerce brand in 2022?

I'm looking forward to learning from your experience.



P.S.: Feel that sharing your unique experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?

Reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.