All - Podcast - Nanit - Supporting Customers

Get The Strategies for Supporting and Valuing Your Customers

, have you ever thought about how you can offer exclusive experiences to support your customers and gain recognition?

Do you feel like you truly engage with your customers when marketing your products? 

Miriam Washington Kendall, the CMO of Nanit, joins us in this new episode to discuss different strategies e-commerce brands can use to support and bring value to their customers. 


Nanit is a platform that provides parents with products to track and improve their babies' sleep and breathing patterns.


It has also built a supportive community where parents can connect with other parents, caregivers, friends, and family. They host webinars and engage with customers in different social initiatives. By leveraging similar strategies, you can build customer trust, ensure lifetime value, and drive referrals.



As a three-time startup CMO, Miriam has over 20 years of experience in marketing and customer strategy consulting. 


Before Nanit, she was the CMO at MakeSpace, helping the company grow from 4 to 31 markets in under two years. 


She has also served a wide variety of Fortune 500 clients including Microsoft, Ford, Nordstrom, Pitney Bowes, Citigroup, BP, and Dell. 


Miriam is also an industry thought leader, keynote speaker, and a contributing author to an Amazon top 10 business book, Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework.



Want to see what you can learn from this new episode of my podcast? 


  • How Nanit supports its customers.

  • The challenges of international marketing and Miriam’s strategies to overcome them.

  • How Nanit's infant formula matching initiative helped families during the formula shortage.

  • Miriam’s approach to controlling brand messaging and marketing to different audiences. 


Let me know your thoughts,


P.S.: Feel that sharing your experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast? 

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