All - Podcast - New Name Announcement 2 (copy 01)

The Fit Growth Machine podcast is changing for you!

Hey! I’m very excited to share this news with you, . 

For those who have listened to the Fit Growth Machine podcast, you know we strive to deliver as much value as possible through our amazing guests. 

Sharing their lessons learned...Valuable insights…And what’s working for them.

As we are quickly growing as our community, we thought it was time for a refresh.

So from April 7th, our podcast will have a new name! 🎉Drums… 

Also, in 2023 we want to go above and beyond!

We’ll also release a Weekly Newsletter with the latest insights in the DTC space to help you accelerate your growth. 💪🔥

Stay tuned!


👉 The Fit Growth Machine podcast is changing its name to The DTC Insider on April 7th.

👉 We are releasing a weekly newsletter to help you accelerate your growth.

