All - Podcast - Optimize - Matthew

The Power of Optimization Revealed: From Websites to Mindsets & Everything in Between

NAME, driving success through optimization is all about taking one step at a time.I mean – Ensuring that your website, messaging, design, customer journey, and advertising are correctly optimized for conversion may sound like too much…But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

With optimization expert Matthew Stafford as a guest, today’s new episode of my podcast helps you understand how to take advantage of this powerful skill.Matthew is the CEO and managing partner of Build Grow Scale and an equity owner of some in-house Ecommerce brands. – He mentored thousands of store owners through paid Ecommerce groups and live events.Plus, he has helped hundreds of e-commerce brands scale past the million-dollar mark - with over one hundred hitting the $10 million mark, and almost 20 reaching the coveted $100 million mark.To top it off, Matthew has been speaking on stages about e-commerce optimization for seven years now!Curious about what he has to say?Take a look at what you can learn today:

  • Strategies for Optimizing Your Website and Beyond

  • Mastering Communication and Relationships With Your Team

  • Transforming Negative Internal Narratives to Achieve Financial Success

  • Understanding the Key Conversion Rates for E-commerce Events 

, how are your optimizing skills?Feel you can improve them?Tune in here to find out what to have in mind to start correctly optimizing.

Talk soon,Brian.P.S.: Feel that sharing your unique experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?Reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.