All - Podcast - Search Experience - Michelle

Supercharge Digital Asset & Product Discovery For Your DTC Brand

, this common issue is a conversion killer…

And it’s not what you’re thinking.

94% of consumers when they have a bad search experience, they simply abandon the website.

That’s a lot of wasted marketing dollars. - Isn’t it?

If you don’t want this to happen to your brand, then listen to this new episode.

In it, Michelle Eichner talks about:

  • How Intelligent eCommerce Product Data Enrichment can take your DTC brand to the next level.

  • Boosting your search capabilities and improving merchandising & marketing KPIs with Product-Catalog Enrichment.

  • How Product-Catalog Attribution can help you create a tailored audience based on AI data.

  • Cutting-edge technology of OpenAI's DALLE and ChatGPT.  

Michelle Eichner is the CEO of Digitile, a solution that helps eCommerce brands convert more intent buyers.

With a decade of retail experience and two decades of B2B SaaS software solutions experience, Michelle brings a unique and comprehensive understanding of the needs of eCommerce brands.

Ready to supercharge your eComm brand?

Have a great week, 


P.S.: Feel that sharing your experience would benefit others? Or know someone who would love to be a guest on The DTC Insider podcast?

Reply to this email, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.