All - Podcast - Tips Leveraging Al - Shanif (copy 05)

Tips for Leveraging AI That Will Put You Ahead of Your Competition

How cool would it be to predict what your customer will buy next?

And , what if I told you there’s a company that helps e-commerce brands personalize their marketing campaigns by predicting exactly this excellent information?

Meet Shanif Dhanani, the co-founder & CEO of Apteo.

Before Apteo, Shanif was the lead engineer and head of analytics at TapCommerce, an NYC-based ad-tech startup that was acquired by Twitter.


Most recently, he was a data scientist and software engineer at Twitter, where he worked on a variety of projects across advertising, analytics, and machine learning.


Prior to TapCommerce, Shanif was a software consultant at Booz Allen. He has earned a BS in Computer Science from the University of Virginia and an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business.


Now , if you want to know what Shanif has to say about how to be ahead of your competitors,



I'm sure you’ll find it as interesting as I did.






P.S.: Are you interested in being a guest on the Fit Growth Machine podcast?

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