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The Power Of Video & AI For DTC Brands

Sorry , someone has to say it out loud. 

Nowadays, having the highest quality products or the best prices is not enough to make your brand unique.

But what makes it unique is the way YOU present YOUR business. 

As communication is the key to success in this competitive market. - That’s the secret, 

And today, this is what Carl Cleanthes (aka "Colorful Carl") and I talked about in the new episode of the Fit Growth Machine podcast.


Carl is Epic Made’s fearless leader and the smiling face of the company - an animation and digital art agency that services the entertainment and advertising industries.  

He and his team have had the pleasure of working with many household brands including SyFy, TNT, Nick, Nick Jr, Avatar, Spongebob, WWE, and many more.


, are you ready to learn about these…? :

  • The power of video in digital advertising

  • The versatility of animation vs live-action video

  • AI for generating copy, image & videos

  • Using AI to build creatives and get ideas

  • Building a Brand Bible

  • Common mistakes to avoid 

Btw, I’m always happy to know what you think about it.

Have a great week,


P.S.: Feel like your experiences can help others? Or know someone whose amazing knowledge can do it? Reply to this email, and I’ll answer you as soon as I can.