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  • Tech Companies - Sponsorship for The DTC Insider - Email #1 (copy 01)

Tech Companies - Sponsorship for The DTC Insider - Email #1 (copy 01)

Reach Thousands of E-commerce Brands

Dear ,Reach thousands of decision-makers in the e-commerce space.The DTC Insider is now taking on 2 new sponsors for our podcast and newsletter, and we believe  would be a great fit for our audience.Here's more info on our listeners and readers:

  • Audience size: 11,000+

  • E-commerce founders and decision-makers (67%)

  • Marketers (21%)

  • Other professionals (12%)

Apply to become a sponsor and reach thousands of decision-makers in the e-commerce space!As a sponsor, your brand would have the opportunity to reach our engaged audience through both audio and written content, giving you exposure to potential customers and partners.We offer a variety of sponsorship packages, and our team will work with you to create a tailored solution that meets your specific needs.If you’re interested in learning more about this sponsorship opportunity, please fill out this form and our team will get back to you shortly.Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you.
